Monday, October 8, 2007

mi casa es...

Jade's casa

in this house you can

-paint with abandon (the concrete floors are forgiving)

-balls bounce better here

-light is abundant

-you can skate and run around in circles till you are dizzy
-cars race all over without losing momentum (on the stone counter tops, smooth floors and walls)

-elevators! (when you are five, everyone lets you push the button for their floor)

best of all, when I make a mess building models for studio,
Jade gets to help too!


David Streebin said...

Hey Kara,

You better bring Jada to class in Jaunary to help us all!!!

David Streebin said...

JADE... sorry

Unknown said...


we would be outside throwing snowballs!

see you then!

Anonymous said...

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